MS OFFICE Shortcut Keys

Most useful Microsoft Office shortcut keys are given here.It’s not useful for all works but these Shortcut keys can also be used in MS Word, MS Excel & MS PowerPoint.

Shortcut Key Feature Action
F1 Help.
F2 Move text or graphics.
F3 Insert an AutoText entry.
F4 Repeat the last action.
F5 Choose the Go To command.
F6 Go to the next pane or frame.
F7 Choose the Spelling command.
F8 Extend a selection.
F9 Update selected fields.
F10 Activate the menu bar.
F11 Go to the next field.
F12 Choose the Save As command.
CTRL+B Make letters bold.
CTRL+I Make letters italic.
CTRL+U Make letters underline.
CTRL+C Copy the selected text or object.
CTRL+X Cut the selected text or object.
CTRL+V Paste text or an object.
CTRL+Z Undo the last action.
CTRL+Y Redo the last action.
CTRL+F12 Display the Open dialog box.
CTRL+F2 Choose the Print Preview command.
CTRL+F3 Cut to the Spike.
CTRL+F4 Close the window.
CTRL+F5 Restore the document window size.
CTRL+F6 Go to the next window.
CTRL+F7 Choose the Move command.
CTRL+F8 Choose the Size command.
CTRL+F9 Insert an empty field.
CTRL+F10 Maximize the document window.
CTRL+F11 Lock a field.
CTRL+F12 Choose the Open command.
CTRL+] Increase the font size by 1 point.
CTRL+[ Decrease the font size by 1 point.
CTRL+SPACEBAR Remove paragraph or character formatting.
CTRL+HYPHEN Create a nonbreaking hyphen.
CTRL+LEFT ARROW Move one word to the left.
CTRL+RIGHT ARROW Move one word to the right.
CTRL+TAB Switch to the next tab in a dialogue box.
SHIFT+F1 Start context-sensitive Help or reveal formatting.
SHIFT+F2 Copy text.
SHIFT+F3 Change the case of letters.
SHIFT+F4 Repeat a Find or Go To action.
SHIFT+F5 Move to the last change.
SHIFT+F6 Go to the previous pane or frame.
SHIFT+F7 Choose the Thesaurus command.
SHIFT+F8 Shrink a selection.
SHIFT+F9 Switch between a field code and its result.
SHIFT+F10 Display a shortcut menu.
SHIFT+F11 Go to the previous field.
SHIFT+F12 Choose the Save command.
SHIFT+HOME Select from the insertion point to the beginning of the entry.
SHIFT+END Select from the insertion point to the end of the entry.
SHIFT+TAB Move to the previous option or option group.
SHIFT+LEFT ARROW Select or unselect one character to the left.
SHIFT+RIGHT ARROW Select or unselect one character to the right.
Shift + Enter Create a soft break instead of a new paragraph.
Shift + Insert Paste.
ALT+F1 Go to the next field.
ALT+F3 Create an AutoText entry.
ALT+F4 Quit Microsoft Word.
ALT+F5 Restore the program window size.
ALT+F6 Move from an open dialog box back to the document for dialog boxes such as Find and Replace that support this behavior.
ALT+F7 Find the next misspelling or grammatical error
ALT+F8 Run a macro.
ALT+F9 Switch between all field codes and their results.
ALT+F10 Maximize the program window.
ALT+F11 Display Microsoft Visual Basic code.
Shift + Alt + D Insert the current date.
Shift + Alt + T Insert the current time.
CTRL+SHIFT+C Copy formatting from text.
CTRL+SHIFT+F Change the font.
CTRL+SHIFT+P Change the font size.
CTRL+SHIFT+V Apply copied formatting to text.
CTRL+SHIFT+> Increase the font size.
CTRL+SHIFT+< Decrease the font size.
CTRL+SHIFT+F3 Insert the contents of the Spike.
CTRL+SHIFT+F5 Edit a bookmark.
CTRL+SHIFT+F6 Go to the previous window.
CTRL+SHIFT+F7 Update linked information in a Microsoft Word source document.
CTRL+SHIFT+F8 Extend a selection or block.
CTRL+SHIFT+F9 Unlink a field.
CTRL+SHIFT+F11 Unlock a field.
CTRL+SHIFT+F12 Choose the Print command.
CTRL+SHIFT+LEFT ARROW Select or unselect one word to the left.
CTRL+SHIFT+RIGHT ARROW Select or unselect one word to the right.
CTRL+SHIFT+SPACEBAR Create a nonbreaking space.
CTRL+SHIFT+TAB Switch to the previous tab in a dialog box.
ALT+SHIFT+F1 Go to the previous field.
ALT+SHIFT+F2 Choose the Save command.
ALT+SHIFT+F9 Run GOTOBUTTON or MACROBUTTON from the field that displays the field results.
ALT+SHIFT+F10 Display the menu or message for a smart tag. If more than one smart tag is present, switch to the next smart tag and display its menu or message.
ALT+SHIFT+F11 Start the Microsoft Script Editor.
CTRL+ALT+F1 Display Microsoft System Information.
CTRL+ALT+F2 Open command.


For MS Excel Shortcut Keys

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