Microsoft Excel Shortcut Keys

This article describes the keyboard shortcuts, function keys, and some other common shortcut keys in MS Excel Shortcut Keys.

List of Microsoft Excel Shortcut Keys

CTRL+A Selects the entire worksheet.
CTRL+B Applies or removes bold formatting.
CTRL+C Copies the selected cells.
CTRL+D Uses the Fill Down command to copy the contents and format of the topmost cell of a
selected range into the cells below.
CTRL+F Displays the Find dialog box.
CTRL+G Displays the Go To dialog box.
CTRL+H Displays the Find and Replace dialog box.
CTRL+I Applies or removes italic formatting.
CTRL+K Displays the Insert Hyperlink dialog box for new hyperlinks.
CTRL+L Displays the Create List dialog box.
CTRL+N Creates a new blank file.
CTRL+O Displays the Open dialog box to open or find a file.
CTRL+P Displays the Print dialog box.
CTRL+R Uses the Fill Right command to copy the contents and format of the leftmost cell of a
selected range into the cells to the right.
CTRL+S Saves the active file with its current file name, location, and file format.
CTRL+U Applies or removes underlining.
CTRL+V Inserts the contents of the Clipboard at the insertion point and replaces any selection.
Available only after you cut or copied an object, text, or cell contents.
CTRL+W Closes the selected workbook window.
CTRL+X Cuts the selected cells.
CTRL+Y Repeats the last command or action, if possible.
CTRL+Z Uses the Undo command to reverse the last command or to delete the last entry you typed.
CTRL+1 Displays the Format Cells dialog box.
CTRL+2 Applies or removes bold formatting.
CTRL+3 Applies or removes italic formatting.
CTRL+4 Applies or removes underlining.
CTRL+5 Applies or removes strikethrough.
CTRL+6 Alternates between hiding objects, displaying objects, and displaying placeholders for
CTRL+7 Displays or hides the Standard toolbar.
CTRL+8 Displays or hides the outline symbols.
CTRL+9 Hides the selected rows.
CTRL+0 Hides the selected columns.
CTRL+( Unhides any hidden rows within the selection.
CTRL+) Unhides any hidden columns within the selection.
CTRL+& Applies the outline border to the selected cells.
CTRL+_ Removes the outline border from the selected cells.
CTRL+~ Applies the General number format.
CTRL+$ Applies the Currency format with two decimal places (negative numbers in parentheses).
CTRL+% Applies the Percentage format with no decimal places.
CTRL+^ Applies the Exponential number format with two decimal places.
CTRL+# Applies the Date format with the day, month, and year.
CTRL+@ Applies the Time format with the hour and minute, and AM or PM.
CTRL+! Applies the Number format with two decimal places, thousands separator, and minus sign (-) for negative values.
CTRL+* Selects the current region around the active cell (the data area enclosed by blank rows and blank columns).
CTRL+: Enters the current time.
CTRL+; Enters the current date.
CTRL+` Alternates between displaying cell values and displaying formulas in the worksheet.
CTRL+’ Copies a formula from the cell above the active cell into the cell or the Formula Bar.
CTRL+” Copies the value from the cell above the active cell into the cell or the Formula Bar.
CTRL++ Displays the Insert dialog box to insert blank cells.
CTRL + ; Enter the current date.
CTRL + Delete the slected column or row.

F1-F12 Keys

F1= Help
F2= Edit
F3= Paste Name
F4= Repeat last action
F4= While typing a formula, switch between absolute/relative refs
F5= Goto
F6= Next Pane
F7= Spell check
F8= Extend mode
F9= Recalculate all workbooks
F10 =Activate Menubar
F11= New Chart
F12= Save As

CTRL + Page up Move between Excel worksheets in the same Excel document.
CTRL + Page down Move between Excel worksheets in the same Excel document.
CTRL + Tab Transfer between Two or more open Excel files.
CTRL + Arrow key Move to next section of text.
CTRL + Space Select entire column.
CTRL + Home Move to cell A1.
CTRL + Shift + = Insert a new column or row.
CTRL + Shift + ; Enter the current time.
CTRL + Shift + ! Format number in comma format.
CTRL + Shift + $ Format number in currency format.
CTRL + Shift + # Format number in date format.
CTRL + Shift + % Format number in percentage format.
CTRL + Shift + ^ Format number in scientific format.
CTRL + Shift + @ Format number in time format.
CTRL+Shift+F3 Create name by using names of row and column labels
CTRL+Shift+F6 Previous Window
CTRL+Shift+F12 Print
Alt + = Create a formula to sum all of the above cells
Alt + Enter While typing text in a cell pressing Alt + Enter will move to the next line allowing for
multiple lines of text in one cell.
Alt + Shift + F1 Insert New Worksheet.

SHIFT F1-F12 Keys

Shift+F1= What’s This?
Shift+F2= Edit cell comment
Shift+F3= Paste function into formula
Shift+F4= Find Next
Shift+F5= Find
Shift+F6= Previous Pane
Shift+F8= Add to selection
Shift+F9= Calculate active worksheet
Shift+F10= Display shortcut menu
Shift+F11= New worksheet
Shift+F12= Save

Shift + Space Select entire row.
Alt+F1 Insert Chart
Alt+F2 Save As
Alt+F4 Exit
Alt+F8 Macro dialog box
Alt+F11 Visual Basic Editor
Alt+Shift+F1 New worksheet
Alt+Shift+F2 Save

These were the Microsoft Excel Shortcut Keys.

For MS Office Shortcut Keys click here below.

For MS PowerPoint Important Keys click here below.

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