Didactic: intending to preach or teach; an act of teaching
Dilatory: slow; sluggish
Disarming: charming; unthreatening
Discernment: judgement
Discrepancy: inconsistency
Disillusioned: freed from wrong ideas
Disingenuous: crafy; double dealing
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Disparaging: critical
Distension: swelling; distend; expand
Multifarious: having many aspects
Myopic: short-sighted (literal or metaphoric)
Naivete: innocence; lack of wordliness
Nefarious: infamous; very wicked
Negate: wipe out; nullify
Nemesis: fate; doom
Nihilism: belief in nothing; anarchy
Nondescript: having no special qualities; ordinary
Notoriety: infamy
Obsequious: slavish; fawning
Occlusion: shutting out
Officious: interfering
Onerous: burdensome
Opacity: lack of transparency; being opaque
Opportunism: grabbing opportunities
Opting: choosing
Opulence: lavish display of wealth
Ornate: extremely decorated
Overhaul: renovate; examine
Palliative: sth that makes better but doesn`t cure; easy pain
Pathos: sadness; stirring the emotions; gloomy
Paucity: scarcity; shortage
Peer: An equal; to look closely at
Peevishness: childish sullenness; irritability
Penchant: tendency; leaning toward; liking
Penurious: miserly
Perquisites: perks; sth you recieve for your job
Petulant: touchy; sulky; peevish
Phlegmatic: calm; imperturbable
Phobic: fearful (Root phobia always implies fear)
Pilfer: steal; filch; rustle
Placid: peaceful; calm; serene
Plaudits: praise
Pliant: flexible
Polarized: divided into two extremes
Pragmatism: practicality
Preclude: prevent; make impossible
Precursor: forerunner; sth comes before
Predilection: liking for; penchant
Presumption: assuming too much
Profundity: depth (of ideas/thoughts)
Propensity: tendency; leaning predilection
Proponent: supporter
Prosaic: ordinary; dull
Prospectus: brochure
Prudent: wise; cautious
Punctilious: meticulous
Purportedly: apparently claiming
Quell: suppress; to stop sth such as protests
Quixotic: idealistic; impractical
Radical: revolutionary
Docile: obedient; subservient
Dubious: doubtful
Eclectic: taking things from different sources; selective
Effacement: wiping out; rub out; (self- effacement = excessive modesty)
Egotistical: selfishElitist: favoring top group; snob
Elusive: difficult to pin down
Emancipators: those who set others free
Embellished: adorned; decorated
Embittered: full of bitter feelings
Embodiment: living example of
Empathetic: exhibiting deep emotional understanding
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