Solved CSS English Essay 2023 Paper: Explanation and outline

CSS Paper English Essay (2023) was a crucial paper for the Civil Superior Services examination 2023 (CE-2023) in Pakistan. A strong command of the English language is essential for CSS aspirants to succeed in the examination and in their future careers as administrators. Understanding the format and requirements of the CSS Paper English Essay 2023, as well as preparing thoroughly with the help of study materials and writing practice, will increase the chances of success for CSS aspirants. The CSS Paper English Essay is an excellent opportunity for candidates to showcase their writing and comprehension skills, and to demonstrate their commitment to excellence in the competitive world of government administration.

The CSS 2023 aspirants saw a Paper of the CSS English Essay very analytic and out of the blue. In this article, we will provide a comprehensive explanation of the solved CSS English Essay Paper 2023, including outline for each of the essay questions that were asked. This information will be useful for current and future CSS aspirants who are looking to understand the structure and format of the English Essay Paper. As FPSC has changed the stereotyped questions in the Essay paper, therefore, here you will learn how you can tackle the questions asked in today’s (01/02/2023) paper.

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CSS Paper English Essay 2023

  1. Instruction In youth is like engaging in stone.
  2. The one who uses force is of reasoning.
  3. Not all recycling projects are cost effective.
  4. The fool speaks, and the wise listens.
  5. A friend walks in when everyone else walks out.
  6. Online learning is not only convenient but often more effective than traditional classroom.
  7. To encourage healthy eating, higher tax should be imposed on soft drink and junk food.
  8. People have become overly dependent on technology.
  9. Both parents should assume equal responsibility in raising a child.
  10. Boys will be boys.

1. Instruction In youth is like engaging in stone.

Learning and being taught when you’re young is important and will benefit you for the rest of your life, like building a strong foundation for a building. For example, if a young person takes the time to learn a new skill, such as playing an instrument or speaking a new language, they will have that skill for the rest of their life, just like a stone building foundation lasts a long time.

Essay outline “Instruction In youth is like engaging in stone.”

I. Introduction
A. Definition of the proverb “Instruction in youth is like engaging in stone.”
B. Explanation of the meaning of the proverb
C. Importance of education in the development of young people
D. Thesis statement

II. Body

A. Explanation of the proverb

1. Stone as a symbol of durability and permanence
2. Instruction as the process of educating young people
3. The relationship between instruction and durability

B. Importance of education in youth

4. Building foundation for future success
5. Developing critical thinking and problem-solving skills
6. Fostering creativity and innovation C. The impact of early education on future outcomes
7. Improved academic performance
8. Better employment opportunities
9. Enhanced personal and social development

III. Conclusion
A. Restate thesis
B. Summarize main points
C. Emphasize the significance of education in youth
D. Final thoughts and call to action.

2. The one who uses force is of reasoning.

People who rely on violence or force instead of reasoning and understanding are not making good decisions. If a parent constantly punishes their child for misbehaviour instead of trying to understand why the child is acting out, they are not using reasoning and may not find a long-term solution to the problem.

Essay outline “The one who uses force is of reasoning.”

I. Introduction
A. Definition of the proverb “The one who uses force is of reasoning.”
B. Explanation of the meaning of the proverb
C. Importance of reasoning and the use of force
D. Thesis statement

II. Body

A. Explanation of the proverb
1. Force as a means of achieving a goal
2. Reasoning as a means of finding solutions
3. The relationship between force and reasoning

B. Importance of reasoning in decision-making
4. Improving critical thinking and problem-solving skills
5. Avoiding unintended consequences of using force
6. Building consensus and improving relationships

C. The impact of using force instead of reasoning

7. Escalation of conflicts and violence
8. Damage to reputation and relationships
9. Decreased effectiveness in achieving goals

III. Conclusion

3. Not all recycling projects are cost effective.

Not all recycling efforts save money, some can even be more expensive than just throwing things away. For example, recycling paper can save money and resources, but recycling certain types of plastic may cost more than just producing new plastic.

Essay outline on “Not all recycling projects are cost effective”

I. Introduction
A. Definition of cost-effectiveness in recycling projects
B. Explanation of the statement “Not all recycling projects are cost effective”
C. Importance of cost-effectiveness in recycling projects
D. Thesis statement

II. Body

A. Explanation of cost-effectiveness in recycling projects

1. Definition of cost-effectiveness
2. Factors that impact cost-effectiveness of recycling projects
3. Importance of cost-effectiveness for sustainability

B. Examples of recycling projects that are not cost-effective

4. Collection and transportation of recyclables
5. Processing and manufacturing of recycled materials
6. Market conditions for recycled materials
C. Reasons why some recycling projects are not cost-effective
7. High costs of collection and transportation
8. Limited market for recycled materials
9. Inefficient processing and manufacturing techniques

III. Conclusion

4. The fool speaks, and the wise listens.

It’s better to listen and learn from others, rather than talking and acting without thinking. For instance, a wise person will listen to advice from others before making a decision, while a fool may act impulsively without considering the consequences.

Essay outline on “The fool speaks, and the wise listen.”

I. Introduction
A. Background information
B. Thesis statement: “The fool speaks, and the wise listens” is a common phrase that highlights the importance of listening and learning from others.

II. Explanation of the phrase
A. Definition of a fool
B. Definition of a wise person
C. Explanation of how a fool speaks and a wise person listens

III. Importance of listening
A. Understanding different perspectives
B. Making informed decisions
C. Avoiding mistakes
D. Improving relationships

IV. Importance of speaking wisely
A. Consideration of others’ feelings
B. Communication of clear and concise ideas
C. Building trust and respect

V. Real-life examples
A. Historical figures who exemplified the phrase
B. Current leaders and role models
C. Personal experiences

VI. Conclusion
A. Recap of the main points
B. Final thoughts on the importance of listening and speaking wisely
C. Call to action for applying the phrase in daily life.

5. A friend walks in when everyone else walks out.

A true friend will be there for you, even when everyone else has left. For example, if someone is going through a tough time and all their other friends have abandoned them, a true friend will be there to support them.

Essay outline on “friend walks in when everyone else walks out.”

I. Introduction
A. Background information
B. Thesis statement: “A friend walks in when everyone else walks out” is a common phrase that emphasizes the true meaning of friendship and the importance of being there for someone in their time of need.

II. Explanation of the phrase
A. Definition of friendship
B. Explanation of the meaning of the phrase
C. Importance of being a true friend

III. Qualities of a true friend
A. Loyalty
B. Support
C. Empathy
D. Trust

IV. Importance of having a true friend
A. Mental and emotional support
B. Someone to rely on in difficult times
C. Opportunity for personal growth and development
D. Building a strong support system

V. Real-life examples
A. Historical figures who exemplified the phrase
B. Personal experiences and anecdotes
C. Friendships in popular culture and media

VI. Conclusion
A. Recap of the main points
B. Final thoughts on the meaning and importance of true friendship
C. Call to action for being a true friend and valuing those relationships.

6. Online learning is not only convenient but often more effective than traditional classroom.

Online learning is not only convenient but often more effective than traditional classroom: For example, online classes allow a student to learn at their own pace and review material as many times as they need to, while traditional classrooms may have limited time for individualized instruction.

Essay outline on “Online learning is not only convenient but often more effective than traditional classroom.”

I. Introduction
A. Background information on the rise of online learning
B. Thesis statement: Despite the convenience of online learning, it can also be more effective than traditional classroom learning in many ways.

II. Advantages of online learning
A. Convenience and flexibility
B. Customization and personalization
C. Access to a wider range of resources
D. Opportunities for self-paced learning

III. Effectiveness of online learning
A. Improved engagement and motivation
B. Better access to technology and tools
C. Increased collaboration and communication
D. Effective assessment and feedback

IV. Comparison to traditional classroom learning
A. Advantages and disadvantages of both methods
B. Discussion of the effectiveness of each method in different contexts
C. The role of technology in enhancing traditional classroom learning

V. Real-life examples
A. Success stories of online learning programs
B. Case studies of schools and institutions implementing online learning
C. Personal experiences and anecdotes

7. To encourage healthy eating, higher tax should be imposed on soft drink and junk food.

To help people make healthier choices, the government could charge more taxes on sugary drinks and junk food. For example, if the government raised taxes on sugary drinks and junk food, people may be less likely to buy these unhealthy options and instead choose healthier alternatives.

Essay outline on “To encourage healthy eating, higher tax should be imposed on soft drink and junk food”

I. Introduction
A. Background information on the problem of unhealthy eating habits
B. Thesis statement: To encourage healthy eating, a higher tax should be imposed on soft drinks and junk food as a means of reducing consumption and promoting healthier choices.

II. The problem of unhealthy eating habits
A. The rise of obesity and related health problems
B. The role of soft drinks and junk food in unhealthy diets
C. The impact of unhealthy eating on society and the economy

III. The concept of taxing unhealthy food and drinks
A. Explanation of the tax and how it would work
B. Discussion of similar taxes in other countries
C. Potential benefits and drawbacks of the tax

IV. The impact of the tax on healthy eating
A. Reduction in consumption of unhealthy food and drinks
B. Increase in consumption of healthier alternatives
C. Potential positive impact on public health
D. Role of the tax in promoting healthy eating habits

V. Arguments against the tax
A. Concerns about government intervention in personal choices
B. Potential negative impact on low-income communities
C. Criticisms of the effectiveness of the tax

VI. Conclusion
A. Recap of the main points
B. Final thoughts on the importance of promoting healthy eating habits
C. Call to action for considering and implementing a higher tax on unhealthy food and drinks.

8. People have become overly dependent on technology.

The over-dependence on technology has resulted in negative consequences for individuals and society, including decreased face-to-face communication skills, increased stress and anxiety, and decreased attention span and cognitive abilities, highlighting the importance of finding a balance between technology use and personal well-being.  People are too reliant on technology and need to find a balance between technology and other activities. Sadly, for instance, instead of having face-to-face conversations with friends, people rely on social media and messaging apps to communicate in the contemporary run only.

Essay outline on “People have become overly dependent on technology.”

I. Introduction
A. Explanation of the rise of technology in society
B. Definition of the statement “People have become overly dependent on technology”
C. Importance of examining the impact of technology on society
D. Thesis statement

II. Body
A. Explanation of the concept of over-dependence on technology

  1. Definition of over-dependence on technology
  2. Examples of technology dependence in daily life
  3. Consequences of over-dependence on technology

B. Factors contributing to over-dependence on technology

  1. The convenience and accessibility of technology
  2. The pressure to stay connected and informed
  3. The influence of advertising and marketing

C. Negative impacts of over-dependence on technology

  1. Decreased face-to-face communication skills
  2. Decreased physical activity and increased sedentary behavior
  3. Increased stress and anxiety
  4. Decreased attention span and cognitive abilities

III. Conclusion

9. Both parents should assume equal responsibility in raising a child.

Both the mother and father have a role in raising a child and should work together to do so. both the mother and father should be involved in helping the child with homework, taking them to extracurricular activities, and setting boundaries and rules.

English Essay outline on “Both parents should assume equal responsibility in raising a child”

I. Introduction
A. Explanation of the importance of parenting in a child’s development
B. Definition of the statement “Both parents should assume equal responsibility in raising a child”
C. Importance of equal responsibility in parenting
D. Thesis statement

II. Body
A. Explanation of equal responsibility in parenting

  1. Definition of equal responsibility
  2. Importance of cooperation between parents
  3. Benefits of equal responsibility in parenting

B. Roles and responsibilities of both parents

  1. Providing emotional support
  2. Providing financial support
  3. Providing physical care
  4. Providing educational support

C. Importance of equal responsibility in promoting child well-being

  1. Improving child-parent relationships
  2. Encouraging healthy development
  3. Promoting gender equality
  4. Decreasing the risk of family conflict

III. Conclusion
A. Restate thesis
B. Summarize main points
C. Emphasize the benefits of equal responsibility in parenting
D. Final thoughts and call to action.

10. Boys will be boys.

This saying means that it’s normal for young boys to be mischievous and adventurous, they just need time to grow up. For instance, if a young boy is energetic and playful, this phrase suggests that this behavior is normal and just a part of growing up, rather than a problem to be solved.
“Boys will be boys” is a phrase that has been used for generations to excuse or dismiss the problematic behavior of young boys and men. Despite its widespread use, the idea that boys are inherently prone to misbehavior and that this behavior should be excused is deeply flawed and reinforces negative gender stereotypes.
The phrase “boys will be boys” often serves as an excuse for boys to engage in aggressive, violent, or disrespectful behavior. This can include physical altercations, bullying, sexual harassment, and other forms of violence. By implying that boys cannot help but act in these ways, the phrase reinforces the notion that boys are naturally aggressive and cannot be held responsible for their actions. This reinforces harmful gender stereotypes and undermines the idea that everyone, regardless of gender, should be held accountable for their behavior.

English Essay outline on “Boys will be boys.”

I. Introduction
A. Explanation of the phrase “Boys will be boys”
B. History of the use of the phrase
C. Importance of examining the use and meaning of the phrase
D. Thesis statement

II. Body
A. Explanation of the implications of the phrase “Boys will be boys”

  1. Excusing harmful behavior in boys and men
  2. Reinforcing negative gender stereotypes
  3. Undermining the idea of accountability for behavior

B. The impact of the phrase on society

  1. Perpetuating violence and aggression
  2. Undermining the development of healthy relationships and behaviors
  3. Reinforcing the notion of gender inequality

C. Alternatives to the phrase “Boys will be boys”

  1. Holding boys and men accountable for their actions
  2. Encouraging healthy behaviors and relationships
  3. Promoting gender equality and respect

III. Conclusion
A. Restate thesis
B. Summarize main points
C. Emphasize the importance of rejecting the phrase “Boys will be boys”
D. Final thoughts and call to action.

Please note that we by no means claim these are the correct solution of the paper. However, you can get at least 40 marks if you solve the paper as given on this page. So, please if you are not satisfied you can discuss it in the comment box below. If we like your outline, that very portion will be updated and you will also get its credit

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