What to do ‘If they tell you 98% fail in CSS Exam’?

Listen! | If they tell you 98% fail in CSS Exam…… yet don’t lose faith in yourself…
 BELIEVE YOU FALL IN THAT 2%, without doubt, you will be in the 2% Insha’ALLAH.
 Maybe, NOT right now because You’re NOT prepared yet. Maybe, not tomorrow too because you can’t be prepared too soon. However, After six months of hard work with Persistent and Consistency, you will be LIKE A PRO!!!. At last, If you don’t have that much courage and can’t believe yourself CSSMCQs.com suggests you CHOOSE another path of career for yourself. If you can believe it, you can achieve it and vice versa. You know, People have done it with less intelligence, fewer resources, less education, less health, less wealth and with less help than you do possess now. In fact, there is no excuse that is valid. You just need to sum up some courage and self-belief to go for it. To add more to it, great things take time, if it were that easy everyone would be doing that. I hope, you have got the msg now :’).

What to do If they tell you 98% fail in CSS Exam?

Motivation for all competitive exams in Pakistan especially CSS and PMS Exams.

The problem is that most people are too scared to even start preparing for competitive exams especially CSS and PMS Exams. They really want to be future CSPs. They are also highly inspired by CSPs and bureaucrats too. However, they come up with all sorts of excuses about why they can’t pass. They don’t initiate their preparation Because they believe they won’t succeed in this journey. It is useless to go after such things.

They utter things like…

“I am not that much competent, only cream can do it”
“That is not a cup of my tea”
“Someone has already done it”
“I have already a job”
“I can excel in my father’s business”
“I am too dumb to even appear in such exams [SORRY :o]”

Let me quote, the story of “Grapes are Sour” does not get fit to them. However, at least, the fox had tried to fetch the grapes but they are also afraid of such actions. While most people talk a lot about it, however, they don’t even start. And some of the people that DO start most of those will quit far too soon. If they are told that you need to read a newspaper on daily basis, they do it for a couple of days and realised that it is absolutely fine to quit because they are fed up with it. Actually, you have to have started with small steps and go towards bigger ones. There’s always room for the best. And you know what, there is always room to get better, even when you become the BEST.

If you are committed to becoming the VERY BEST at what you do.  You WILL SUCCEED eventually. If you refuse to quit until you WIN. There’s no way you can’t win, in the end. So, stop being afraid of what could go wrong, and start getting excited about what could go RIGHT. If you are focusing on PROBLEMS you will see MORE PROBLEMS. If you focus on possibilities you will see MORE OPPORTUNITIES. So FOCUS on the possibilities and be READY for the opportunities that are coming in the future by doing the HARD WORK NOW. At last, You’ve got to at least TRY to offer something BETTER than anyone else does it. Something DIFFERENT from the rest, if you don’t you’ll never BE THE BEST.

As said,

If you desire to make a difference in the world, you must be different from the world. – Elaine S. Dalton

Therefore, If they tell you 98% fail in CSS Exam yet don’t lose faith in yourself…
  BELIEVE THAT YOU FALL IN THAT 2%, without doubt, you will be in the 2% Insha’ALLAH.
 Maybe, NOT right now because You’re NOT prepared yet. Maybe, not tomorrow too because you can’t be prepared too soon. However, After six months of hard work with Persistent and Consistency, you will be LIKE A PRO!!!. At last, If you don’t have that much courage and can’t believe yourself CSSMCQs.com suggests you CHOOSE another path of career for yourself. If you can believe it, you can achieve it and vice versa. You know, People have done it with less intelligence, fewer resources, less education, less health, less wealth and with less help than you do possess now. In fact, there is no excuse that is valid. You just need to sum up some courage and self-belief to go for it. To add more to it, great things take time, if it were that easy everyone would be doing that. I hope, you have got the msg now :’)

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