Global Warming: its Causes, Effects and Control Measures
1. Introduction
2. Causes of Global Warming
a. Natural Causes
i. Lack of comprehensive planning & policies
ii. Volcanic Activities
iii. Radioactive Radiation
iv. Plate Techtronic
v. Carbon dioxide CO2
vi. Methane Gases
vii. Ozone Depletion
b. Man-Made Causes
i. Greenhouse Gases
ii. Deforestation
iii. Land use changes
iv. Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs)
v. Over Population
vi. Fossil fuel combustion
vii. Ozone Depletion
b(i). Economic Man-Made Drivers
i. Globalization
ii. Reducing Green lands
iii. Industrial Revolution
iv. Agriculture Revolution
v. Environment Pollution
vi. Non-bio degradable wastes
vii. Extraction of Minerals
3. Effects of Global Warming
a. Annual Greenhouse index
b. Loss of biodiversity
c. Natural disasters
d. Heat waves
e. Forest fires
f. Heavy Precipitation
g. Agriculture and food security
h. Sea Ice Extent & Glacier melting
i. Carbon Dioxide
j. Forests Covers
k. Frost Free seasons
l. Surface temperature
m. Acid Rains
n. Sea surface temperature & level changes
o. Ocean acidification
p. Droughts
q. Shelled Marine Animals
r. Economic losses
s. Water pollution
t. Increased Arid Areas
u. Seasonal changes
v. Extreme weather conditions
w. Ocean current patterns changes
x. Mass wasting
y. Floods
z. Environmental refugees
4. Measure to control Global Warming
a. Spread awareness
b. Reduction poverty
c. Lowering inequities of resources
d. Improving infrastructure
e. Drought tolerant cap
f. Modern irrigation
g. Forest Resources
h. Rainwater shortage
i…. to be continue
5. Conclusion
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