Highest Military Awards of different Countries

Here, you will have the Highest Military Awards of different Countries MCQs with Answers pdf. These MCQs can be downloaded in pdf which is given at the end of this page. These General Knowledge MCQ of List of Highest Military Awards of different Countries are equally important for FPSC, PPSC, SPSC, SPSC, KPPSC, BPSC, NTS and all other competitive exams. Thus, These are helpful For Nts Test, Ppsc Test, Fpsc Test, Bpsc Test, Spsc Test, Kpkpsc Test and Ajkpsc Test preparation.

General Knowledge MCQs by CSSMCQS
General Knowledge MCQs by CSSMCQS


List of Highest Military Awards of different Countries

CountryHighest Military Award
ArgentinaCross to the Heroic Valour in Combat
AustriaMilitary Merit Decoration
BangladeshBir Shrestho
BurmaAung San Thiriya
BrazilOrder of Military Merit
DenmarkThe Valour Cross
GermanyCross of Honor for Valour
GreeceMedal for Galantry
IsraelMedal of Valour
ItalyGolden Medal of Military Valour
NetherlandsMilitary William Order
NorwayThe War Cross with Sword
PolandOrder of Virtuti Militari
SpainLaureate Cross of Saint Ferdinand

Some Important Highest Military Awards

CountryAward Name
BritainVictoria Cross
FranceLegion of Honour
GermanyIron Corss
IndiaParam Vir Chakra
JapanOrder of the rising sun
USMedal of honour
ItalyMedal of Velour
RussiaOrder of the patriotic war
BangladeshBir Sesotho
IsraelMedal of Velour



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